Information in English
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Organizing Committee we have the pleasure to invite you to participate in the 56th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Polish Chemical Society (PTChem) and the Association of Engineers and Technicians of Chemical Industry (SITPChem) which will be held in Siedlce, Poland on September 16-20, 2013.
Chair of the Organizing Committee: Teodozja Lipińska, e-mail:
The official language of the meeting will be Polish and English. If you intend to take part in our conference, but you have problem with registration in Polish, you can find here Registration Form in English.
The Registration Form must be filled out and sent at:
Then make the payment to the given below PTChem bank account which results from the registration fee, accommodation in students’ dormitory and if chosen the trip.
In case the participant chooses a hotel accommodation, then the payment is made separately at the chosen hotel bank account. Janusz Hotel is highly recommended right the Town centre.
Conference Fees
Polskie Towarzystwo Chemiczne
ul. Freta 16
00-227 Warszawa
Bank’s name: Bank BGŻ
Account number (IBAN): PL 54 2030 0045 1110 0000 0261 6290
with annotation: „56th PTChem and SITPChem Meeting - Name and surname of the participant (fee)”
Important information
In case of collective payment please send at address of the office: and at the address of ZG PTChem: the detailed information about the participants such as name, surname, amount per person and the trip if chosen.
One participant can submit not more than two abstracts. The preferred form of presentation can be changed by the Organizing Committee.
Deadline for oral presentation submission (session lecture or short communication) is June 15 2013 and for poster presentation July 01 2013.
Abstract1 i Abstract2 (text with Figures enclosed) should be submitted in MS WORD format from your account created during the registration process. In case the abstract contains figures, schemes, etc. they should also be sent as attachments (maximum 2 items) in encapsulated postscript (.eps), TIFF(.tif), orJPEG (.jpg) format with a resolution min. 300 dpi.
Abstracts (with figures included) as MS Word files should also be sent via e-mail.
Abstract format
Abstract (with Figures enclosed) should be prepared in an A4 format bearing in mind the all-around 2,5 cm margins, should be compiled according to the directives given below:
Participants are asked to follow these guidelines when submitting an abstract for oral or poster presentation using the template provided:
Abstract title: Times New Roman 14 pt, bold font and capital letters
Authors name: (first name, last name), Times New Roman 12 pt, centered, please underline the presentig author
Affiliations: Times New Roman 12 pt, italic, centered
Abstract text: Times New Roman 12 pt with 1 line spacing, justified, not more than one page A4, the acceptable document format: MS WORD (doc, please do not use docx!)
Figures/schemes (max. 2): black and white, should be included within the allotted space and additionally can be uploaded separately in TIFF, EPS, or JPG format, min. 300 dpi (if you want to preserve the good quality)
References: Times New Roman 10 pt, justified; in square brackets [1, 2]
[1] A. Surname, M. Surname in: Surface and Colloid Science, E. Matijević (ed.), vol. 14, Plenum Press, London 1987, p. 301.
[2] A. Nazwisko, A. Nazwisko Langmuir, 1999, 7, 2344.
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